£14,560 Average salary at age 20
£44,720 Average Salary


Those holding jobs in this unit group are full-time members of the armed forces of the UK, the Commonwealth and other foreign countries and perform military duties for which there is no civilian equivalent.

Main Tasks

  • Receives and responds to commands from senior officers;
  • Monitors, operates, services and repairs military equipment;
  • Takes part in military operations in situations of conflict and provides aid if required in emergency situations such as civil disorder, natural disasters and major accidents;
  • Engages in peacekeeping operations and enforces ceasefire agreements;
  • Stands watch and guards military establishments and other buildings;
  • Trains and exercises using various military equipment and tactics;
  • Undertakes specialist activities such as operating communications equipment, driving military vehicles;
  • Patrols areas of possible military activity;
  • Leads and trains new recruits and lower ranks, looks after their discipline and welfare.


For most positions entry does not depend upon academic qualifications. Entrants generally have to pass a selection interview and physical and medical examinations. Entry to certain trades requires GCSEs/S grades or equivalent qualifications.

UK Prospects

65000 Workforce Size
14.77% Predicted growth 2025 - 2035

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