Careers and Participation Service Careers Guidance Offer
- Professional Careers Guidance Interviews
Careers Guidance Interviews to support you in achieving Gatsby Benchmark 8.
All young people participating in a guidance interview will have access to a comprehensive range of up-to-date careers and labour market information resources about opportunities in education, training and employment. They will also receive a personalised Careers Action Plan document.
Outcomes include -
- Raised aspirations
- Improved motivation
- Developed self-awareness, opportunity awareness and decision making
- Enhanced understanding of Career Planning
- Level of advisor – Level 6 Careers Advisor
Guidance interviews will usually be for one hour, but by agreement with the provider can be timed inline to align with school timetabling where lessons are for 50 minutes.
Young people will receive a word-processed action plan usually the same day as their guidance interview but within 5 working days.
Impartial guidance will be provided by a careers adviser who is qualified to level 6 in careers guidance.
Careers Guidance Interviews will contribute toward the achievement of Gatsby Benchmark 8.
- Short Careers Guidance Interviews
Careers Guidance Interviews to support you in achieving Gatsby benchmark 8.
Short Guidance Interviews can be used to check students career plans, identify their next steps and where appropriate identify additional support required.
Alternatively, a short guidance interview can be used to make an assessment as to what stage of career planning a student is at. A full guidance interview may be required as a result.
Outcomes include -
- Raised aspirations
- Improved motivation
- Developed self-awareness, opportunity awareness and decision making
- Enhanced understanding of Career Planning
Short guidance interviews will usually be for 30 minutes. A shorter time can be agreed to fit in with school timetabling if required.
30 minutes is the minimum time suggested by experts for the delivery of personal guidance.
Impartial guidance will be provided by a careers adviser who is qualified to level 6 in careers guidance
Short Careers Guidance Interviews will contribute toward the achievement of Gatsby Benchmark 8.
- Bespoke Careers Activity
Bespoke Careers Activity provides you with the opportunity of having a Careers Adviser available in school for a school day to undertake a range of activities.
The time can be used to undertake activity not otherwise outlined in the traded offer information. For example:
- Attendance at Annual Reviews
- Attendance at Careers Events in or out of school
- Drop in sessions for students
This is not an exhaustive list.
Alternatively, they can be used to provide flexible careers activity in your school/college.
Service Standard
A level 6 Qualified Careers Adviser will be provided for a school day.
One to one work can be delivered through the day as required.
If group activities requiring planning time or follow up work from an activity is required, this will be taken from the time purchased.
For guidance interviews the same standards/performance measures will be applicable as above.
- Business Enterprise Challenge Day
This activity will contribute to the achievement of Gatsby Benchmark 2 and 5.
Target group Year 9 to Year 12.
The Business Enterprise Challenge Day is for a whole year group.
It is designed to offer students a practical experience of enterprise. The focus is on how the business decisions students make affect the success or failure of their pop-up business.
Students will:
- Pitch their business idea to a panel of real employers, we source for you.
- Gain insight into entrepreneurial skills including planning
- Take on roles within their business team
- Learn about making decisions within a team setting
This activity can be used by schools to build links with their local business community.
Service Standard
The Business Enterprise Challenge Day is appropriate for Year 10 to Year 12 cohorts.
It can be delivered to a whole year group.
The session will be delivered over a school day.
We utilise a range of employers/employees during the session. We will assist you in sourcing the employers/employees.
This activity will contribute to the achievement of Gatsby Benchmark 2 and 5.
The activity will be delivered by a Careers Adviser qualified to level 6 in Careers Guidance.
- Career Exploration Days
Target Group: Year 5 – 7
This activity will contribute to Gatsby Benchmark 2.
Recent research shows that aspirations are formed at a relatively young age and that ‘gender’ influences, begin very early. Our Career Exploration Days are delivered by Qualified Careers Advisers to a year group. We will work with you to customise the day focusing the activities and outcomes you wish to meet for your pupils.
Our Exploration Days can be focused on a combination of the themes below:
- Self-awareness, esteem and confidence
- Careers exploration and expansion of ideas
- Money management
- Budgeting and future planning Decision making
- Careers awareness and future planning
Service Standard
It can be delivered to a whole year group.
This activity will contribute to Gatsby Benchmark 2.
The activity will be delivered by a Careers Adviser qualified to level 6 in Careers Guidance.
- Careers Group Sessions
A range of group sessions to broaden and develop your students' career thinking and planning.
Sessions can be designed to meet the needs of the school and students. Our most popular sessions include Post 16 pathways, apprenticeship awareness sessions, post 18 options and various occupational area specific sessions.
Outcomes include -
- Challenging and broadening career ideas
- Increased opportunity awareness and understanding of labour market demand
- Improved awareness of pathways available and what each has to offer
- Enhanced career planning Group sessions are delivered to class size or smaller groups.
Service Standard
Group sessions will be designed to meet the objectives agreed with the school /college.
Group sessions can be delivered to groups up to a class size group.
- Challenging Stereotypes and Transferable Skills
Target Group - Year 7-9
This activity will contribute to the achievement of Gatsby Benchmark 2, 3 and 5.
An interactive 2 hours session delivered to a whole year group to help students recognise and challenge stereotyping as applied to them or others. It will also make clear that most career areas require the same transferable skills, and in so doing will highlight the significance of key skills such as communication, time management, numeracy and digital skills.
Outcomes include -
- Raising aspirations and avoiding outdated thinking in career decisions.
- An exploration of motivation and embedding an ‘I can’ attitude.
- Understanding the importance of knowledge, skills and attitude in career thinking.
- The significance of key transferable skills in the world of work
Schools can use this activity to develop partnership working with employers.
Service Standard
The Challenging Stereotypes and Transferable Skills session is appropriate for Year 7 to Year 9 cohorts.
It can be delivered to a whole year group.
We utilise a range of employers/employees during the session. We will work with the purchaser of the service to source these.
This activity will contribute to the achievement of Gatsby Benchmark 2, 3 and 5.
For more information on our offer, please contact us at: [email protected]