Staffordshire County Council has recently published its new Economic Strategy 2023-2030 and alongside this the Staffordshire Leaders Board has agreed an economic vision and priorities and a pipeline of priority economic growth projects to support the future development of the local economy.  

An Employment and Skills Strategy 2023-2030 has been developed to support this and can be used to guide future employment and skills work programmes, to enable effective communication of Staffordshire’s shared employment and skills goals, and to inform the development of the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) for Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. 

A summary brochure of the Staffordshire Employment and Skills Strategy 2023-2030 has also been produced.

Staffordshire Jobs & Careers has endeavoured to make the below resources as accessible as possible within our means to meet WCAG 2.1 standards. However, we accept that some of the attached documents are not yet accessible to all users using screen reader software.

We are continually working on improving our accessibility and user experience, and hope that in the near future we can provide fully accessible resources. Our full accessibility statement can be found here.

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Staffordshire Economy & Skills Evidence Base


The Staffordshire Employment and Skills Strategy Evidence Base provides an overview of the key employment and skills outcomes measures and outlines the areas of focus and the reasons why we plan to do what is included in the strategy.


The Core Analysis summary can be found here and Priority Sector summary reports are detailed below.


We have developed a Post 16 Performance and Outcomes Evidence Base here which includes a deeper dive into the latest core Department for Education performance datasets.


To view the latest edition of our Economic Bulletin which gives a full analysis of the latest economic and labour market position please click here.


Staffordshire Locality Profiles


The profiles produced for each of the Staffordshire boroughs and districtsStaffordshire areas on a map cover a wide range of key performance indicators to provide a better understanding of local employment and skills opportunities and challenges.