Staffordshire County Council report against the September Guarantee and Annual Activity Survey to the Department for Education.
The September Guarantee requires that all leavers in Year 11 and year 12 receive an offer of learning by the September of the year in which they leave education. The annual Activity Survey shows the situation of year 11 Leavers at the 1st November in the year they leave statutory education.
The September Guarantee is reported from the end of May to the end of October. The Annual Activity Survey is reported at the end of January, for Year 11 leavers from the previous September.
The Careers and Participation Service will request cohort data and offer data from schools to set the September Guarantee cohort. The September Guarantee cohort is fixed at the end of May, and this is the cohort against which the Activity Survey is reported.
School offer data is used to populate the offers of their cohort. Good practise through the Gatsby Benchmarks is for schools to monitor the offer status of their cohorts to ensure that all students have an offer of learning.
The Careers and Participation Service will follow up all young people without an offer of learning, and will aim to secure an offer of learning for those young people.
Once we reach September, the Careers and participation Service will contact schools with Sixth Forms and FE Colleges to request enrolment data. This data is used to monitor post 16 participation. Any young person who is not in learning is contacted by the Careers and Participation Service, and offered support to enable them to engage in post-16 learning.
In order to target those young people not in learning, it is important that we are able to quickly identify young people who are in learning, so we can target our resources on contacting those young people who have not started in learning. For this reason we request enrolment data be provided at the earliest opportunity.
For more information on the September Guarantee or Activity service, please contact us at: [email protected]