The Skills and Participation Service work with schools to identify young people in Year 10 and 11 at risk of not participating in post 16 Education Employment or Training (NEET).
This work should be included within a school’s Careers Programme. It will provide support towards Gatsby Benchmarks 3 and 8 in particular.
We will provide the Risk of NEET Index (RONI) for years' 10 and 11, and one of our career’s advisers will meet with key staff in school to identify those young people at risk of not participating. The Risk of NEET Index is a dataset which can be used to identify young people who are at risk of becoming NEET post 16. It is best used alongside other intelligence held in schools.
Year 11 young people identified as RONI will receive a personal guidance interview and a transition plan and will be offered transition support dependent on need over the academic year, summer period and post September if required.
Year 10 young people identified as RONI will be offered a personal guidance interview and transition plan, usually in the summer term.
Looked after young people, young people who are Electively Home Educated, and young people registered with a Pupil Referral Unit will be included in the risk of NEET cohort.
For more information on our service to education providers for young people at Risk of NEET please contact us at: [email protected]