Having a school Governor linked to Careers can ensure that information, advice and guidance can be understood and supported by the governing body, ensuring that legal requirement is met and best practice adopted where possible.
“Governing bodies have a key role in ensuring schools not only meet their legal requirements, but also equipping their pupils with the tools and knowledge to make informed choices about their futures. They can do this by offering strategic support to school leaders and by holding the headteacher to account for the quality of provision of careers education, information advice and guidance.
The Governing Body should ensure that the school complies with its statutory responsibilities:
- The appointment of a Careers Leader.
- Compliance with the Baker Clause.
- The publishing of policy statements on the school’s website.
- Commitment to the delivery of independent and impartial guidance.”
The Careers Strategy – A guide for secondary school governors, The Careers and Enterprise Company.
The Stoke and Staffs Careers Hub piloted their north hub governor group across the last academic year (21-22) which looked at supporting and providing governors with the tools, skills and knowledge to improve the positioning of careers in school and to develop robust reporting systems to ensure careers is effectively challenged to raise education standards and improve outcomes.
If you are a Careers Link governor looking to:
- connect with other governors in the network
- increase your knowledge of the local and national careers landscape
- build on your skills and knowledge around the Gatsby benchmarks